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Online Chat
Geschrieben am Samstag, 23. Mai 2009 von 77

Web chat software provides best online interaction experience to any website visitors with your company representatives via a text based chat interface. Best chatting software provides one to one or multi text chat with friends and family.

Live chat program provides real time communication by engaging your technical support operators with several online customers or users via text based chat interface. Live customer help software is created to use as a browser based live chat communication medium among website visitors with several number of technical support operators. Web site chat software allows you to instantaneous answers to online customer by live chat which can easily increase your product marketing. Multioperator chat tool allows any time switching among all the operators available that time, which definitely provide maximum feedback from user’s point of view. Live customer support tool backup and restore all users session and also capable to send these stored logs to specified email address. Professional online chat interface requires less space to be installed on any windows based operating with having support to all commonly used internet browsers. Technical support live chat program can receive offline messages when your operator becomes unavailable or offline. Free chatting service can configure live web chat application according to your website needs and allows you to use customizable size chat buttons. User just have to pay one time for the purchase of this software, and later on just forget to pay monthly charges or any renewal fees etc. Features: *Web chat utility offers live text interface between user and technical staff. *Web based chat utility can transfer chat sessions in between more than one operator. * Software provides option for their operators to receive offline messages. * Live text based chat utility supports all types of browsers like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla etc. for more details visit our website:

Online Chat

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